
Ministries of the Faroe Islands
Løgmansskrivstovan (Prime Minister's Office)
Uttanríkis- og vinnumálaráðið (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)
Samferðslumálaráðið (Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Labour)
Mentamálaráðið (Ministry of Education, Research and Culture)
Almannamálaráðið (Ministry of Social Affairs)
Heilsu- og innlendismálaráðið (Ministry of Health and the Interior)
Fíggjarmálaráðið (Ministry of Finance)
Fiskimálaráðið (Ministry of Fisheries)

Danish Immigration Authorities
Udlændingestyrelsen (The Danish Immigration Service)
The Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration
Føroya Landfúti (The Police)
Rigsombudsmanden på Færøerne (The High Commissioner of the Faroe Islands)
Udenrigsministeriet (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
Justitsministeriet (Ministry of Justice, Denmark)

Unemployment Service
ALS (The Unemployment Agency)

Public Agencies
Almannaverkið (Social Services Agency)
TAKS (Tax, Revenue and Customs authority)
Landsfólkayvirlitið (Population Register)
Hagstova Føroya (Statistics Faroe Islands)

Student Information
Altjóða Skrivstovan (International Student Office)
Fróðskaparsetur Føroya (University of Faroe Islands